Five Minute Budget:
A Budgeting System For The Rest Of Us

Is it just me or does every budget want you to spend hours on your money?
That's all fine and dandy, but most of us don't have time for that. We want something that will work and that can be done quickly.
The 5 Minute Budget is exactly that.
If You Have Tried and Failed with Other Budgets It's not Your Fault.
Most budgets are too complicated and set you up to fail. We’re here to put an end to it and want to see you succeed.

Inside you’ll get:
Are you searching for a Fast way to budget that doesn't take you hours every month? Have you tried other budgeting methods in the past but they just didn't fit with your lifestyle?
Are you tired of feeling guilty every month because you just don't feel like you have "got the hang of this money thing?"
Then it's time for you to try the Five Minute Budget
- Is Straightforward and easy to use
- Can be done in under 5 minutes a day once set up.
- No envelopes or other time consuming chores.
I’ll be honest with you: I am a budget nerd.
I’ve tried just about every budgeting tool on the market. I love doing it.
Even when things go wrong or I overspend, I like at least knowing where my money goes
At the risk of sounding like a super nerd, I find it kind of fun.
The problem?
My husband doesn’t find it fun at all. In fact, our budget meetings would overwhelm him. We’ve tried several different types of budgeting apps over our 10 years of marriage.
They all stressed him out or made him feel like I was tracking every time he bought a caramel macchiato. I knew there had to be a way to talk about our spending without showing him a million budget categories. I also really wanted to make our budget meetings shorter and more efficient.
I wanted to feel like a team when it came to money, but I couldn’t do it if every budgeting tool we used only showed him failures, like how we were in the negative for our grocery category again(why is food always the culprit?)
So, I co-created the Five Minute Budget for the thousands of people like my husband who really want to be financially successful but absolutely hate micromanaging a budget.
It’s made such a massive difference in our lives, and I’m so excited to share it with others who want a straightforward, shame-free way to budget.

Our easy to use workbook is simple to use and get started with your first months budget and every month after that.

“I’m not a budgeter but so far all the information is easy to follow!“

- I've tried budgeting in the past, and it didn't work too well, it was too complicated. How simple is the Five Minute Budget?It’s really simple, there are two sheets, one for your monthly recurring spending, and one for you day to day spending.
That’s it. We purposely made this as simple as possible so that everyone can use this system and start to see better results in their lives.
We want it simple because we want you to get started quickly and be able to stay with it. Money is worth mastering and we want to help you get started with the right steps. - How long does it take to get set up?Depending on how well you know your monthly numbers (things like mortgage, insurance, heat etc…) you can get the sheet up and running pretty quickly (in under an hour for most people).
- How long does it take to work for me?Budgeting is a different process for everyone, and while we want to give you a definite timeline, the truth is everyone is different.
What we do know is that people who use this start to make positive changes in their spending almost immediately.
That’s the power of using something that easy to use. - I know nothing about technology. Can I use the Five Minute Budget?Yes! This was built for people who aren’t techies. We give you all the resources to get started quickly and easily. Plus we are there to offer support in case you need it.
- Do I need to sync my bank accounts or remember log ins?Nope. We found that a big sour point for most budgeting tools is constantly entering in your login information. So we got rid of it.
There is no need for you to enter in you bank details. We’ve made this extremely easy and low tech so that you can use it right away. - How is this different than the other budgeting products out there?Great question, you’re so smart. This is built for people who don’t want to budget. Most products that are out there are built for people who, for some unknown reason, enjoy spending hours on their budget.
We know that’s not you.
So we built something that you can use quickly everyday to keep an eye on your finances and spending. - Is it a one-time charge or a monthly membership?It’s a one-time charge, most other budgeting products are monthly charges and we believe that the whole point of budgeting is to have less of those monthly costs not more.
So we made it the way that is best for you. Make sense? - Will this make budgeting fun?Let’s be honest, budgeting at times can feel like you are portioning out rice on an episode of Survivor.
It’s ok, everyone feels that way once in a while.
That said, we do our best in our emails to you to help you see the brighter side of budgeting and make life feel less like you are trying to survive tribal council.

“Thank you Andrew and Catherine! The Five Minute Budget has allowed me to have realistic expectations of how much money I need to just pay the monthly bills. I always seem to underestimate how much money I need just for bills and then get down on myself when I haven’t saved as much as I’d hoped.
The Daily Spending Tracker really gave me a clear idea of how much I had been spending on those discretionary items. I prefer to keep The Daily Spending Tracker spreadsheet on my phone so I can easily add my spending throughout the each day. So easy! I now make it a challenge to spend just a little bit less than the previous week.
Thanks to the Five Minute Budget I have now opened two extra accounts. One account is used to keep savings for my next cruise and the other account in an emergency repairs fund. If something needs replacing or repairing I don’t need to put it off. I have money sitting in the account for that exact purpose! Oh, and I love the saving suggestions tool. So handy! Thanks again!“

We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
We’re confident that you won’t need it, but it’s there if you do.

Five Minute
ONLY $29

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